Prison Wives Society in An organization born from a deep rooted understanding of the crucial and pivotal role that wives and partners play in the lives of their incarcerated love ones both during their time in prison and as they enter back into society. Through personal growth building confidence addressing negative though patterns , We ignite change and inspire positive mindset while their in prison transcending for self- improvement and change upon coming home.

Our Vison at the Prison Wives Society NY INC is to provide comprehensive assistance to formerly incarcerated Men and Woman , as they transition back into society. We envision a world where every returning citizen has tools, resources and support needed to successfully reintergrate into their communities. Through our Programs and initivates, we aim to create a society that embraces second chances reduce cycle of incarceration and foster a sense of hope and opportunity

The Prison Wives Journal

Introducing The Prison Wives Journal - a powerful tool designed to help wives and partners of incarcerated individuals navigate the complex emotions and challenges that come with having a loved one incarcerated.

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The Prison Wives Journal

Introducing The Prison Wives Journal - a powerful tool designed to help... 

A gratitude and Affirmation Prison Wife Journal sitting on table along side a phone with prison wife app Jpay to connect with incarcerated individuals